Response 6 months ago

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ASIC deputy told chairman she could have ‘destroyed’ him

Karen Chester raised allegations about her boss James Shipton in a private meeting, then asked him to lobby business figures to help her get his job.

February 14, 2024

  • snippetAustralian Financial Review

    At one point, Mr Shipton and Ms Chester agreed it would be best not to be in a room together without other people present. Former commissioners Sean Hughes and Danielle Press...

    Mayfair 101Mayfair 101

    This give you an idea of the state that ASIC was in at the time it targeted Mayfair 101.

  • snippetAustralian Financial Review

    For you to phone up those people and say something nice about me. That I ‘did a damn good job’ and I ‘was incredibly professional in my parliamentary hearings’.

    Mayfair 101Mayfair 101

    Ms Chester's statements speak for themself.

  • snippetAustralian Financial Review

    The conversation, which was recorded on April 9, 2021, began with a discussion about the selection of Mr Shipton’s successor. Ms Chester said she was one of two final candidates.

    Mayfair 101Mayfair 101

    Ms Chester was one of two candidates and she lost. That must be quite humiliating for her considering what she tried to do to obtain the role.
