Superyachts, virus and Mayfair 101's investor blitz
After its Dunk Island purchase put it in the spotlight, Mayfair 101 has aggressively changed some tactics. Now it says the pandemic has triggered problems.
March 20, 2020
- Australian Financial Review
the group is splashing out $180 million on real estate
Mayfair 101The real estate was bought in a distressed market, at the bottom of the cycle. That real estate 4-years later had increased in value an average of 74%, and that is without any development that...
Misleading - Australian Financial Review
The superyacht venture is a Mayfair portfolio company aimed at creating “a membership program” for vessels of the blindingly rich elite.
Mayfair 101This is incorrect. The program was aimed at people who would normally be capable of affording a new 50-80 foot yacht that instead wanted access to a fleet of superyachts.
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Australian Financial ReviewIt’s the exotic end of an investment outfit portraying itself as a safe alternative to bank deposits
Mayfair 101This was a private equity investment which Mayfair initiated which had a potentially exceptionally strong ROI for minimal capital outlay. We had recruited the former CEO of NetJets (a fractional...