The short-seller
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- The Australian
Short-seller John Hempton’s ASIC links in focus in Mayfair 101 court case
Mayfair 101Mr Hempton isn't currently the subject to Mayfair 101 litigation, however this article has correctly identified the fact that his actions prompted Karen Chester, ASIC's deputy commissioner and other senior ASIC staff, to act on his self-professed speculative views.
- Mayfair 101@mayfair-101
post 5 months ago
A few examples of Mr Hempton's choice of words for other unrelated businesses. The similarities between this and the allegations made by ASIC against Mayfair are uncanny.
- Mayfair 101@mayfair-101
post 5 months ago
This is the same person Karen Chester invited in to train several hundred ASIC staff on how to spot fraud. Another great decision, Karen.
- Mayfair 101@mayfair-101
post 5 months ago
John Hempton publicly declaring on Twitter that he referred Mayfair to ASIC. At the time he did this Platinum Asset Management (his former employer) was experiencing an outflow of funds and they had taken issue with Mayfair's subsidiary brand name Mayfair Platinum.
- Mayfair 101@mayfair-101
post 5 months ago
On 26 Nov 2019 John Hempton associates, journalist Jonathan Shapiro and Dominic McCormick, sat next to each other in the back row at Mayfair's Sydney event. Days later Shapiro publishes this - And then McCormick publishes this - Both mischaracterise Mayfair 101's business. This was the beginning of the attack on Mayfair. 24hrs later Hempton writes to Karen Chester saying his "spidey-sense is going off badly" about Mayfair. Coincidence?
- Australian Financial Review
people such as a retired farmer in regional Victoria could be considered “wholesale” and therefore privy to fewer consumer protections.
Mayfair 101Mr Hempton said on Twitter that his Father-in-Law was based in Mildura. Was the 'true-to-label' campaign actually about protecting the interests of Mr Hempton and his family members at the expense of Mayfair's 570 clients?